Programmer Analyst w/BS deg. & 18 months Experience
Experience in project planning, data/req. analysis, system design; gather & analyze bus. req. & dev. Doc., Functional Req. Spcf. & UML diagrams; write, analyze, review, rewrite program code using workflow chart, diagram by developing detailed programming logic; perform/ direct revision, repair/expand exist. programs to increase operating efficiency or adapt to new req.; perform systems analysis/programming tasks to maintain/control the use of com. sys. softw.; compile, & write doc. of program development, & subsequent revisions; test/debug test data to produce required results,& revise the programs; perform data mapping of source to destination data, & use SQL for data retrieval/validation; dev. QA Test plans for Functional, Integration, System Testing; Skills: C++, Java, ASP.NET, XML, C#, MYSQL, J2EE, SQL Server, Oracle, Linux, MS Visio, MS